Monday, June 7, 2010

The greatest metaphor in life--Running

Sometimes running isn't enough. It just can't seem to take me to the point I am trying to reach. I average 30 miles a week and some weeks, though my legs and body are done, my head is begging me to go further.

Running is a metaphor that is so often used as a form of escape. Just as there are many weather references to describe moods and feelings, running is the preferred method of getting away from something. Sure, driving can be too, but something about running makes it a more self-inflicted mode of transportation that is meant to exhaust the mind and body.

Though I am not a big fan of Shakespeare here are two quotes that seem fitting at the moment:

"Bid me run, and I will strive with things impossible"-Julius Caesar

"I will run as far God has any ground" -The merchant of Venice

So why do you run? Is it towards something or away? Is it to energize or torture? How far is too far? How fast is fast enough? What are the limitations and the boundaries?

On the opposite end of the quote spectrum, here is the modern day poet Eminem:

"...when your run is over just admit when its at its end."

Will you know when it is?

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